Core Software Stack - Power Optimised for IoT Application

The Core Stack has significantly
enhanced our ability to deliver designs rapidly with high quality, maintainable and power-efficient software.

Steve Braithwaite, Electronics Team Leader

The Captec Core Stack is a reusable set of software modules designed for power efficiency and ease of maintenance. They are available for use in low-power applications using microcontrollers, typically using ARM Cortex M3, M4 and D0 cores.

The Challenges:

  • Develop software drivers for use in a reusable software stack architecture
  • Full target hardware abstraction optimised to use sleep modes
  • Integrate cellular modem and TCP and UDP socket servers
  • Binary transfer protocol
  • TLS and MQTT client support

The Solution

  • An adaptable, reusable software stack supporting key IoT radio types
  • Optimised for use in battery-operated, power-efficient designs
  • Supports rapid and lower-cost software development
  • Maintainable software geared toward IoT sensor applications
  • Support for delivering data to standard Cloud databases (e.g. AWS)

The Outcome

  • The software has been utilised for the rapid development of a low-power gamma ray spectrometer (MCA)
  • It has been used in the software upgrade (including over-the-air software updates) for the FloodFlash flood level meter
  • The implementation of the software can also be seen in the KeLVN Linkswitch for controlling and monitoring under-pavement KeLVN link switches

Have similar challenges?

Contact our team of engineering experts to develop a solution to meet the exact needs of your project