Beyond The Yellow Line

Capturing the fundamentals of what Captec do

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Beyond the Yellow Line

Often used to represent the boundary between the safe and the dangerous, we see yellow lines in places warning about potential risks. Similarly, the world of computing is also increasingly separated by a notional yellow line. Commercial computers typically require a benign environment to operate reliably. The more critical the application, the more controlled and benign the environment needs to be.

As more complex computer-based applications are required to venture beyond a benign environment, such as defence equipment, ship machinery and offshore installations – their ability to operate reliably becomes a function of their protection. To control the external environment in these applications is near impossible. So the more extreme the environment, the more protection is required for computers, especially when they are industrial-grade.

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Where We Specialise

In the non-critical space, where most IT applications exist, no protection is required. However, for everything that goes beyond the yellow line it is. This ensures equipment continues to operate reliably, which takes a great deal of specialist experience.

We specialise in the area beyond the yellow line, which is why we incorporated it into our branding in 2012. The line is the boundary between the critical and non-critical; the hostile and the benign. Inside the yellow line, there is relatively little risk. Beyond it lies urgency, risk and threat, areas where situations are critical and conditions extreme.

We Excel by Engineering Platforms for:

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Protection Against Extreme Temperatures

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Protection Against Shock and Vibration

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Protection Against Dust and Fluids

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Protection Against Unauthorised Access

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A New Approach

While we still pride ourselves in our ability to enable platforms to operate beyond the yellow line, times and technologies have changed. As a result, so has our business model.

We apply all the same levels of expertise and know-how to equip platforms to perform continuously, reliably and at optimal levels for critical applications in industries including aviation, medical and gaming.