Design to Order Computers

Bespoke platforms engineered to meet your exact requirements

Bespoke Computing Platforms

Our technical architects and design engineers are well-versed in developing computing platforms to exact requirements. We engineer around core requirements of mechanical form factor, electronic functionality, thermal management, ingress protection, shock and vibration protection, EMC, and compliance and certification.

We develop custom form factor designs to satisfy complex space, size and shape specifications and can engineer protection from the most challenging environments. All our platforms can be backed up with bespoke service level agreements, tailored to fit your application and optimally extend its operational life.

Custom Form Factors

Whether you need it in a machine, in a land-based vehicle, on a ship or in a submarine, we design computers for a wide diversity of applications where space, size and shape requirements are difficult to satisfy. We understand that no one size fits all, our computer platforms can be as unique as your application needs them to be.

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Custom Electronics

We deploy in-house electronics design capabilities and leverage our supply chain to modify existing computing boards and accommodate necessary functionality changes, both at the hardware and BIOS level.  We can also design custom electronics boards from scratch, depending on the payload required for the application. Our electromechanical engineers can further simplify or optimise internal cabling and interconnects.

Compliance & Certification

We have dedicated in-house pre-compliance testing facilities and expert compliance engineers who are experienced in ensuring platforms are successfully designed and tested to meet required standard approvals.

We can further manage the entire certification process through our ecosystem of independent test houses.

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Optimised Thermal Management

We design with optimised thermal management in mind and validate with testing in our in-house thermal chamber until an optimised thermal profile is realised. This minimises the risk of thermal stress, one of the most common causes of equipment failure.

Our specialist computing platforms are designed and tested for a wide variety of operating temperatures.

Shock & Vibration Protection

We have substantial experience deploying reliable computing platforms exposed to a wide diversity of shocks and vibrations. We design appropriate levels of protection to minimise the risk of stress-induced failure where operating environments expose computers to challenging conditions.

Ingress Protection

If your computing equipment needs to operate reliably in the presence of dust and liquids, we engineer specific ingress protection to an appropriate IP or NEMA rating. We also provide maintenance schedules and spares to ensure filters are appropriately managed throughout the lifespan of the equipment.

EMC Optimisation

With increasingly congested electromagnetic spectrums, EMC optimisation is essential for compliant and reliable operation. We minimise EMC interference and susceptibility to ensure our computing platforms are fully compliant to increasingly demanding standards.

Build Consistency & Quality

Our bespoke platforms are built against established procedures and work instructions to guarantee consistency, quality and reliability. All specifications, hardware and firmware settings are meticulously documented, and checklists guide technicians to ensure quality is monitored throughout all assembly stages. From the first to the last, every computer we build you will be exactly the same.

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Engineered Protection for Challenging Environments

Our technical, engineering and compliance experts use their expertise to design and develop computing platforms protected for reliable operation in even the most demanding environments.